Monday, December 21, 2015

Rare Spiked Collars

Bonjour, Jammers! It's so early! Anyways..
Today's item is highly argued about and very much wanted around the world of Jamaa..

Long Spiked Collars

These spikes come in 8 different colors, as shown above.
They were released as the Second Monthly Member gift in Animal Jam. There are a bunch in the game but they are still rare and highly wanted.

These are the rarity rankings of each color based on popular opinion
8th Place: Yellow
7th Place: Orange
6th Place: Green
5th Place: Purple
4th Place: Pink
3rd Place: Blue
2nd Place: Red
1st Place: Black

These are the rarity rankings of each color based on how many exist
8th Place: Blue
7th Place: Black
6th Place: Pink
5th Place: Purple
4th Place: Red
3rd Place: Yellow
2nd Place: Orange
1st Place: Green

(information via SnowyClaw)

Black is highly wanted in the world of Animal Jam, and jammers are willing to trade 6 or more other collars for this collar. Trailing close behind is red, blue, green, yellow and pink, while many jammers leave orange in last place.

Short Spiked Collars

These collars come in 8 different collars, like long collars, as show below.
These collars happen to be way less rare than long spiked collars, and with enough patience you can win these in The Forgotten Desert, the eagle and owl adventure.

While just as cool, jammers prefer long spiked collars rather than short spiked collars.
If you may have noticed, some of the collars are light/darker than their counterparts. While different colors, they are still in range for the same color ratio and some of the actual spikes happen to be pigmented a bit instead of white/silver, like the long spiked collars.

Diamond Shop Spikes

In the world of Animal Jam, there are also non-rare collars.

These collars also come in 8 colors, but happen to not be rare at all. You could have bought these spikes for 3 diamonds, but they have recently left the diamond store. They should be back soon, though!
Even though these are still spikes, most jammers prefer the rare ones. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I guess it's because they're cooler and worth more?

Spiked Wristbands

Every spiked collar, rare or not rare, has a sibling/cousin/whatever, the spiked wristband, as shown 

(Rare spiked collar/wristband photos via MeIan)

(Sorry for the big image)

They come in the same color ratio as their siblings, but are not even half as rare as the collars. These spikes are only worth a few betas and rares. 
While the diamond shop spiked wristbands are pretty much the same as the rare ones, these wristbands are not worth anything and can actually be changed to a different color before being bought. They can be changed to the same color of the diamond shop spiked collars to match!

That's it for today, folks! Stay tuned for another article. Adieu!

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